Help! How do we help our son to help himself?

Difficulties are part of life and it would be idealistic to think that there are people who don’t have them. These difficulties become problems for people who ask us for help when said difficulties are maintained over time through bad management and the application of apparent common sense which, with the best of intentions, does […]
A Systems View on Who is Getting the COVID Vaccine: my opinion on equity

One of the axioms of communication in ‘Pragmatics of Human Communication’ is that you cannot no communicate. In that vein, I am almost forced to write this blog. The Brief Therapy Center™ functions in Palo Alto, United States as well as Mexico City – and Paraguay We are currently all teaching a Diplomado, […]
Mindfulness, Social Justice and Problem Solving Brief Therapy: Different ways to help

Problem-Solving Brief therapy (BTC) from MRI in its practice dispels the notion of the psychotherapy stereotype. To be clear, this is the stereotype where we explore and analyze attachment patterns from their root and develop insight and interpretations with the hope of bringing about change in the here and now. The psychotherapy often portrayed in […]